Showing 78 Result(s)

Sunscreen Guide: Why You Should Always Wear Sunscreen

BY JANE IREDALE Hello, Sunshine! I am often asked the question, “What is the best anti-aging thing I can do for my skin?” Without hesitation, the answer is SUNSCREEN. The sun is responsible for approximately 80% of the signs of aging. Blame it for sagging skin and wrinkles; brown spots (hyperpigmentation); white spots (hypopigmentation), and …


Winter Skin Rescue: Foundation for Dry Skin

BY SHAWN TOWNE This is the coldest time of the year so many of us are experiencing typical winter skin issues such as dryness, dehydration, redness and itching.  This isn’t surprising with heaters and radiators drying everything out and extra coffee-drinking to feel warm.  It’s no wonder why our skin is often in full crisis …


How to Apply Face Primer: A Step-by-Step Guide

BY CARLI SCOLFORO If you haven’t already incorporated primer into your daily repertoire of makeup products, you might wonder if it’s totally necessary. But if you’ve taken the time to apply the perfect face of makeup, the last thing you want is to look in the mirror and find it all melted away just a …


The Perfect Red Lip

BY SHAWN TOWNE I’ve had a passion for makeup most of my life. I think it’s because I was raised by my grandparents and I grew up watching my grandmother put on her makeup every day. She never walked out of the house without a well finished complexion and beautiful red lips. She didn’t have …


The Ultimate Guide to Concealer

BY NECHELLE TURNER What is concealer? Concealers are much like foundations but tend to be thicker and more pigmented. Ideally a concealer is used to cover and correct things like dark circles, hyperpigmentation, and blemishes. When choosing a concealer, there are two key factors to consider before making your choice: Depth of color in concealer …


How to Use The Skincare Makeup System: My Way

BY EMMA ROBERTS We asked our employees how they use our Skincare Makeup System and how it fits into their makeup routine. Our 3-step system is designed to create a flawless, long-lasting and good-for-the-skin foundation base. First, start with Smooth Affair Brightening Face Primer to help makeup last longer and go on smoother. Then add …


How to Use HydroPure Tinted Serum: A Skin-Friendly Makeup Routine

BY EMMA ROBERTS As a diehard Liquid Minerals lover, I was apprehensive and excited about HydroPure Tinted Serum. I hoped it would have the same serum-like texture with the sheer tint that I love, and I was not disappointed! HydroPure Tinted Serum is packed with skincare ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid, CoQ10, Olive Squalaneand, of course, …