Showing 107 Result(s)

New Statue of Queen Elizabeth Has Admirers Up in Arms

A new statue of Queen Elizabeth II was unveiled at Antrim Castle in Ireland last month, but the response from viewers has been mixed so far. According to a report by the BBC, the queen was cast in bronze by artist Anto Brennan of north Belfast, and the sculpture was installed in the Antrim Castle Gardens …


Healthy tries… the crowd surfing workout

Nothing says team spirit like a roomful of people lifting you up to the ceiling, and team healthy got to experience this first hand at Gymbox’s new ‘Crowd Surf Ready’ class, launched in collaboration with ticket marketplace StubHub. While the crowd surfing you see at a music festival might have the on-site Health & Safety team …


5 top tips for cycling to work safely

Cycling to work is a great way to add exercise into your daily routine. It’s fun, good for you and the environment – and can save you money on fares and petrol to boot. However, if you feel nervous or lack confidence, you’re not alone – especially if you’re new to riding on roads, or …


Four Swimsuit Trends for Summer 2024

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Why we should embrace exercise on prescription

Image: iStock Words: Lucy Fry Exercise on prescription? Yes, it’s happening! After having been hailed as the cleanest wonder-drug known to man (second perhaps only to sleep), exercise is now being recommended as a surefire means of improving wellbeing, as well as treatment for a range of mental health conditions, including depression. Even 25 minutes …


Get started with Pilates

Photograph: iStock Research crowned Pilates the UK’s favourite workout of 2020 – but the number of beginners who decided to take it up in lockdown didn’t surprise Hollie Grant, Pilates instructor and founder of The Pilates PT Method. ‘All of a sudden, people are working from home, and no longer sat at desks in ergonomic …


Class crashers: Qigong

Image: Triyoga Scouring the internet didn’t really give me the clearest idea of what to expect from a qigong class. Perhaps based more on hope than evidence, I foresaw an experience similar to yin or restorative yoga. I was thinking blankets, bolsters and some deep stretching while I zone out – lovely. So I booked …


Healthy’s best athleisure buys

If you’ve picked up our August issue, you’ll have seen that in our fitness section, we discuss the psychological benefits behind athleisure – aka whether splashing out on a pair of high-quality leggings, or donning a bright, zany print vest to get sweaty in really does boost your mood and exercise effectiveness (Better Outfit = Better …