Showing 142 Result(s)

3 Easy Steps to Fill in Your Eyebrows

BY CHELSEA SIMMONS Full, perfectly arched eyebrows are always in style, but sometimes it may feel like they are impossible to achieve. That’s why we went straight to the pros – our Global Makeup Educators – to get tips on how to fill in your eyebrows to perfection, by always remembering to line, fill and …


Cream vs Powder Bronzer: Which Is Best For You

BY NECHELLE TURNER It’s that time again, the sun is shining brightly, the days are longer, and the look of sun-kissed skin is in. Summertime is the ideal time to explore the world of bronzers. There is a misconception that bronzing and contouring are one and the same, this couldn’t be further from the truth. …


Jane’s Boss-Worthy Makeup Routine

BY EMMA ROBERTS To celebrate Boss’s Day (October 16th), we asked Jane to share her quick, go-to makeup routine with you. This speedy girl boss beauty routine combines Jane’s favorite multitasking products with stay-put color for a boss-worthy look that won’t budge. Keep reading for Jane’s go-to look. A Simple Makeup Look fit for any …


How to clean your makeup brushes

BY CHELSEA SIMMONS Why clean your makeup brushes? There are three big reasons for doing so. Cleaning your makeup brushes improves performance. Cleaning your makeup brushes prevents bacteria, oil buildup and transfer. Cleaning them will extend the life of your makeup brushes.Brushes are a big investment, so we should be doing our best to protect …


Get started with barre

Photograph: Shutterstock Barre has exploded in popularity over the past decade and it’s helping women build strength and get in fantastic shape – it also has a surprisingly erotic past. Originating in the 60s with the Lotte Berk Technique, much of its marketing was bolstered by a promise to improve sexual prowess.  ‘Barre attracted all …


Healthy meets… Body By Simone

There’s something small making big waves over on US shores – and it comes in the form of Australian dancer, Simone De La Rue. This petite powerhouse spent 15 years waltzing her way across stages in the West End and on Broadway but, since retiring, has created the beginnings of a fitness and wellbeing empire in the form of …


Class crashers: Assisted stretching

I, sadly, am not flexible. I haven’t touched my toes since my teenage dancing days, and am the annoying one huffing and puffing, struggling to hold downward dog at the back of the yoga studio. And it’s no wonder – whilst I’m generally fit, joining in the cursory three stretches at the end of an …