
Half marathon running diary: hello, February

half marathon training

Determined to keep my New Year’s resolution this year, I committed myself to one I couldn’t get out of: in less than six weeks, I’ll be running my first half marathon distance race for Macmillan Cancer. My challenge of choice is Vitality North London half marathon on 12 March 2017, which finishes – Hunger Games

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style – in Wembley Stadium.

Having trained for the past month, I can already feel my body getting substantially fitter: I think nothing of sprinting for buses, and I’ve slowly built my running distance up to 10K (although, disconcertingly, the half marathon is more than twice that!).

However, the training has not been without its obstacles. Keen for my half marathon training schedule not to be delayed by the icy weather conditions, I signed up to a gym – only to fall flat on the concrete en route to the bus stop. There is also a niggling pain in the side of my foot – tendonitis? Any experts reading this, hit me up.

In the meantime, I’ll be posting updates on here every Wednesday – and tweeting @ChezSpecter, under the hashtag #RunHealthyRun. Oh, and if any of you have winter running tips, I’d be glad to hear from you. Until next time!

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Half marathon running diary: hello, February
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Half marathon running diary: hello, February
Healthy staff member Francesca Specter tracks her half marathon running journey – including winter running tips for beginners. Read more.
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