
Kate Beckinsale Contacts Police Over Salon Payment Controversy

Kate Beckinsale has been forced to contact the police after a feud with a spa owner in Los Angeles went beyond an online dispute. According to NewsNation, Beckinsale opted to involve police after several sessions.

The matter was brought to the attention of the media after the spa owner, Nick Abramovic, posted to Instagram that Beckinsale had reportedly opted not to pay for services. “I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up regarding the outstanding payment for the services I provided to Kate Beckinsale. Despite multiple attempts to resolve this matter, the payment of nearly $3,000 remains unpaid,” he wrote. “I have made several attempts to reach out, but unfortunately, Kate had chosen not to fulfill this obligation. After consulting with legal counsel, I have been informed that the NDA requested is no longer legally binding, which leaves me with no other recourse but to consider other options.”

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When NewsNation reached out to the salon owner, he was met with a response to speak to their lawyers without giving a contact number. A message to Beckinsale’s representative revealed why this changed.

“Somatic trauma therapist’ Nick Abramovic is well aware as to why his bill has not been paid,” the rep told the outlet. “He knows this because he received a letter from Kate Beckinsale’s lawyer, Marty Singer. Kate is not able to discuss the matter because it is being investigated by the LAPD.”

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After a difficult time in the summer, Beckinsale made clear she was hoping to get some relief. “I watched my stepfather die quite shockingly, my mother has stage 4 cancer, and I lost a lot of weight from stress and grief quite quickly. And then I was in (the) hospital for six weeks because the grief had burned a hole in my esophagus, which made me vomit copious amounts of blood, and I found eating very hard,” Beckinsale had shared.

No details have been shared but NewsNation did cite several reviews of the spa on Yelp noted it had a “creepy” locale and seemed to be mainly aimed at females. Given that these are just Yelp reviews, they aren’t concrete facts. Hopefully, more details will be released about why police are investigating and any resolution. Beckinsale hasn’t remained silent on her own social media, posting several images regarding sexual assault while also reposting the NewsNation post.